
​Hexalin Treatment
The Hexalin treatment is a scientific focal point for the treatment of the signs of aging especially suited for mature skin. has a unique thermal sensation that deeply warms the skin which assist with the decrease of facial expression lines and skin tightening.
Duration $60 mins. $200.00
​Oxygen Infusion Microdermabrasion Treatment
This Oxygen Infusion Resurfacing Treatment counteracts the signs of aging by generating an oxygen-infused, mineral-dense foam. The treatment temporarily disrupts the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your skin cells to deliver increased oxygen to delicate cells, combating skin wrinkling and thickening. Duration 60 mins. $225.00

​Mineral Matrix 24K Gold Energizing Treatment
This skin treatment combined the invigorating power of gold minerals with the rejuvenating action of minerals drawn from oxygen-rich Dead Sea water, to refresh skin’s ability to regenerate. And it balances skin texture and tone, reducing appearance of discoloration by slowing melanin secretion. With every treatment, skin regains youthful glow, enhanced suppleness and increased luminosity. The DSC Mineral Matrix 24k Gold Magnetizing Mask energizing treatment effect will remain active on your face for up to 10 hours after it has been removed.
Duration 60 mins. $250.00

​​​​Vitamin C Skin Treatment
This ultimate lightening and anti aging treatment will restore youthful brightness to your skin. Vitamin C halts that excess melanin production, erases dark spots and protects skin from further UV impact. The proprietary blend of rare Dead Sea Minerals work to boost cell metabolism and maintain skin’s radiance while easing fine lines caused by inflammation due to environmental irritants. All in all, you’ll see the brightness of younger-looking skin revealed, with increased clarity and vitality only the freshest, most effective ingredients can bring about.
Duration 60 mins. $150.00

Night Light Series Treatment
Detoxify cells, easing fine lines caused by inflammation due to environmental irritants. The products works to penetrate skin’s deepest layers, helping cells metabolize fat and sustain youthful elasticity along with the power of Vitamin E and Vitamin C which pampers cells while bonding with collagen molecules to increase skin’s elasticity. Vitamin E not only protects cells from damaging free radicals but speeds healing of scars and discolorations. Impurities and residue effectively removed post treatment.
Duration 60 mins. $150.00